November 28th, 2015
My episode of HOW 2 WIN has premiered on the History Channel 2 network, and is now available for free online!
Here's a quick low-down of the show:
Did you know that you can become a better public speaker…just by carrying a lucky coin? Or that a simple tweak in body language can help you nail a job interview? Life’s a game, and there are thousands of secret tactics that can help you win. From thousands of years of history to millions of years of evolutionary science, we’re searching the entire spectrum of human experience for the hidden techniques that can boost your odds in everything – whether you’re gunning for a raise at work, or seeking the upper hand at a blackjack table. History is about winners and losers; H2 is going to show you How 2 Win.
In my episode, "The Power Stare," I play a boyfriend meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time. However, I have a trick up my sleeve gain the affection of her gruff father. Turns out, if you ask someone for advice, they are far more likely to take a shine to you, as asking for advice is a complement (you value their opinion) and then they have a vested interest in your success.